Do you prep? And if so what is it to you? Do you prep for yourself or do you prep for your family? I prep for me and my family and I'm sure most are the same in the thinking of why they prep. But when the outsiders look at us what do they see? The walking dead see us for fools and crazy people who buy to much food and other supplies. Why do they see us this way? Why are we the fools or the crazy ones? I will tell you what I think about the walking dead and how they see us (preppers) they look at us the way they do because they can't look at themselves and evaluate the info and news of the world and the economy and apply it to there life. Let me explane what I mean; to the walking dead if you tell them that a collapse is coming in four weeks and the dollar will die and the world will turn upside down there is a group that will take the info and work with it and try to get ready but that is a very small group, even with proof only a small group will care. Why? I will tell you I think it's because most don't want to face the truth that there world is about to turn upside down, and if the shit is about to hit the fan then they can't go see granny or uncle Bob in Stump Water USA and they will never give up the 9-5 with weekends off and the 2.4 kids life on the last house on the left on Joe Blow St. downtown USA. If a collapse is coming then the trip can't happen and if the collapse is coming then the new school year can't happen so because of this way of thinking the walking dead tell themselves if I ignore it then it will go away and never happen. If I just go about my normal day to day tasks it will not hurt me or touch me or my family. And that way of thinking is the reason I call them the Walking Dead!
So again I ask, What is prepping to you?