The End Is Near

The End Is Near
2nd Amendment

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Year New Questions

Is the Dollar about to crash? Is the country about to fall into the dark void of a Economic collapse? What do you think? Here is a little bit of what is going on right now,

The new year brings new questions and a new look at the doom that is just down the road.
Get ready!!!!!
Stay Ready!!!!!!
And Survive the coming collapse!

Are You Prepping?

Monday, January 5, 2015

My New Years Resolutions

  I have a New Years Resolution for this blog, and it is to post 3-5 times a week! And yes I will do my best to stick to it. Over the last year there has been so many crazy things to post about and talk about I'm not sure why I was not here talking about them. Will life and the family and work I just didn't get here. And it's because I was lazy and didn't have any drive, and that too is something I plan to fix this new year.
  I plan to better my survival preps and to learn more skills. The 1st on my list I did in December and that was get a new vehicle and we did that. We had a 2005 Dodge Ram 1500 with 95,000 miles on it and it was not in good shape, it needed engine work and the tranny was going soon and it was time to add a new vehicle to the family so we got a 2014 Jeep Patriot. It's a great little vehicle with lots of room inside and drives good. Plus the wife love's it!!!! I will need to add a few things to it first will be a tow hitch so I can tow the BUG OUT Trailer. The Jeep is only a 4 cylinder SUV but can still tow 1500 lbs. I also plan to get a older model truck as a fishing/do all truck and I am looking for it now.   
  Next few items on my list are guns and I always add ammo when I can find it. I am finding it more and more but 22LR is still hard to find here in my area, if it's available in your area you need to grab it up and stock up on it. About a year or two before Obama got into office I would buy 2-4 bricks of 22LR every week and stick it into ammo boxes and shelf it, but I would still like to keep adding it just can't find it here.
  And last big thing I plan to do this new year is get my CCW, me and the wife both plan to do this and are planning to take the class at the same time. We never did this before because it was so hard to do it in California but with the change in the law it's not as hard to do now so we are planning to get in this class soon.
  Happy New Year to all of you and keep up the Prepping!!!!!!

Are You Ready

Feed Your Good Wolf

I Miss The Duke

Thursday, January 1, 2015