June 1, 2012
While the title itself is quite shocking, the ideas presented are definitely meant to desensitize guard member readers to the idea of pursuing and capturing Americans on American soil, thus finalizing the end of posse comitatus.
In the article, author Susan Katz Keating stakes the claim that the American people, and their military, can never let their guard(s) down due to advancing internal terrorist threats that constantly plague us.
Right from the git-go we know exactly what type of propaganda we’re in for. The article will attempt, through the telling of various narratives, to paint the picture that the few Americans that have orchestrated terrorist events inside the U.S. in the past are the norm.
The article introduction begins as follows: “The mission to prevent terrorism on U.S. Soil starts with al-Qaeda, but it doesn’t end there. Homegrown terrorists, hostile nations, and lone radicals present perils, too. And the methods of destruction are vast. Ask homeland security experts about the dangers, and you’ll get a range of answers. But one thing is clear: The hunt can never stop.” (emphasis Keating’s)
Before reading further, the introductory excerpt tells us it’ll hold the terrorist pretext that 9/11 provided as the basis for the never-ending war against the American public. Al-Qaeda will, yet again, serve as the boogeyman by which our rights will be stripped away, in our own country no less:
“And what threatens us most here at home, within our borders? A number of actors come to mind, but the primary “who” is clear, experts say. Most officials, including Sen. Susan Collins from the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, point to al-Qaeda or al-Qaeda-inspired adversaries.”
The article’s layout can be predicted prior to even reading. It’ll begin by describing a terrorist event in which a crazed U.S. citizen plots a terror attack against Americans.
It will then be followed by a brief glance over the 9/11 attacks, using them as the basis for required military intervention against citizens. This has worked in the past and there’s no point in changing it up now: “With so many threats hovering, the question remains: Who, specifically, is likeliest to carry them out? The 9/11 style infiltrator from abroad still remains a threat.”
It doesn’t take a psychology major to realize that the avenue of constant fear will be the road this article takes to justify a militarily policed public.
Interestingly Senator Collins, who in the past has co-sponsored overreaching cybersecurity bills and is in the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, tells the author that the next terrorist could be “someone you went to school with:” “Over the past two years, we have seen a sharp escalation in the number of homegrown terrorist plots.”
Glaringly, one detail in the article stands out: “In the years since the 9/11 attacks, investigators have thwarted dozens of plots against the U.S.” (emphasis added)
Have 36? or 48? terror plots been foiled by investigators treating us all like criminals since 9/11? The U.S. population is 311 million and counting. The odds of finding, let alone identifying, a terrorist most closely resemble the odds of finding a needle in a…you know what I mean. It makes no sense to target every American, as is the current practice.
While the article does not specifically call for increased internet security measures, one section does pander the fear of a terrorist using the internet to carry out large-scale cyber attacks.
On the topic of increased vulnerability to an EMP-style cyber-attack, Eric Hannis, executive director of Etherton and Associates, a Northern Virginia-based defense consulting firm, had this to say: “How much food do you have? It could plunge us back to the 18th century…Unless you have an old vehicle, your car won’t work. Even if you could get to the store, the refrigerated food would not be [edible]. You couldn’t use a phone. No computers. No communication.” In other words mass hysteria and panic will ensue unless, of course, we have Etherton and Associates on the case.
This is just one instance in which the military is being conditioned to accept policing of the public. In the past Alex Jones has made numerous movies documenting military police state takeover exemplified through army simulation drills being conducted in public places, beginning with his Police State series.
With magazines and other publications spinning this type of propaganda to our service members, it’ll take guard members of extreme character and will not to succumb and ultimately be used as instruments to usher in martial law.
The National Guard’s motto is “Always ready, always there;” let’s hope that doesn’t mean, necessarily, everywhere.
With any luck, GX Magazine subscribers will be smart enough to see through the propaganda, and realize that if this police state comes into fruition, it will be their children, as well as ours, that will pay the price.
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